B. misalignment of the chromosomes during anaphase I
Aneuploidy refers to an error in the chromosomal number of a cell. This occurs when the chromosomes fail to separate equally into individual cells, a process called MEIOTIC NONDISJUNCTION. Meiotic disjunction can occur in either the anaphase stage of meiosis I or meiosis II, however, different outcomes are produced.
When chromosomes fail to separate at meiosis I, it results in two gametes that lack that particular chromosome (n-1) and two gametes with two copies of the chromosome (n+1). This means that the four daughter cells will have an incorrect number of chromosomes, hence, the misalignment of the chromosomes during anaphase I will result in four aneuploid daughter cells.
Ice caps melting, increased heat causing droughts and wildfires
Part A It is associated with peroxisomes and mitochondria.
Part B. It is associated with smooth endoplasmatic reticulum.
The oxidation of long chain fatty acids are produced at the beginning in the mitochondria, it is called B oxidation because there is a carbon in this position that in this process is going to be oxidized to a carbonyl group. The very long fatty acid chains are also oxidized in the peroxisomes.
The cholesterol biosynthesis is made inside the hepatic cells, in the endoplasmatic reticulum. Is a process that starts with acetyl Coenzime A that was oxidized in the mitochondria. This process is regulated by the intake of cholesterol from the diet.
Hope this info is useful.