Love and Unity :) just kiddddding aging cells stop dividing because they become senescent. They do this by sending chemical signals to each other so that they know
Calls Can Get Damaged, OR Age And Die. We Wouldn't Be "Us" If We Didn't Have Cells. Hope That Helps
Natural selection
Sexual selection refers to the natural selection where the allele frequencies of a population are changed due to nonrandom mating between the individuals. Certain preferences for the mate by organisms result in sexual selection. It is mostly exhibited by females.
For example, peahen prefers the peacocks with elaborate tail features as their mate. The sexual selection also occurs when there is competition among the members of the same sex for a mate. This type of sexual selection is mostly exhibited by males and results in fighting and display.
A heterotroph is an organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients.
Answer: Humans and other organisms use the soil to decompose these waste materials into new materials.