First, we need to equalize the denominator. If the denominator multiplies by (x+1), so does the numerator. If the denominator multiplies by (x-1), so does the numerator.
Look into my attachment at the second row.
Second, because the first fraction and the second fraction have the same denominator, you can join them into one fraction.Look into my attachment at the third row.
Third, simplify the numerator.Look into my attachment at the fourth to the fifth row
Fourth, simplify the denominator.Look into my attachment at the sixth to the seventh row.
<span>Quartiles are generally more reliable for judging outliers than mean and standard deviations for 2 reasons. The mean is simply the average of all of the numbers, meaning that an outlier can easily be obscured by the masses. Standard deviation is a better method, however only going over by one standard deviation in either direction would also mask an outlier. A strong outlier however will pull a quartile farther in that direction than would normally be expected.</span>
because you divide them by two
Step-by-step explanation:
g(x) = (x + 3)^2
Step-by-step explanation:
When a function is shifted to the left or right we can think of a change of units, like a new independent variable is used.
If we have a quadratic function
and the graph is shifted 3 units to the left, then we can think of a new unit u that is:
The vertix of this parabola, that happens for u=0, happens for x=-3, as the graph is shifted 3 units to the left.
Then, the relation between u and x is:
We can use this relation in the new graph and replace u as: