Answer: The mole fractions of He in the mixture is 0.992.
The mole fraction of
in the mixture is 0.008.
A gas mixture called heliox, 6.11%
and 93.89% He gas by mass by mass.
Percentage of oxygen gas in a mixture by mass = 6.11%
In 100 gram mixture 6.11% of oxygen is present by mass :
Percentage of helium gas in a mixture by mass = 93.89%
In 100 gram mixture 93.89% of helium is present by mass :
Mole fraction of component 'x' in a mixture of 'x' and 'y'= 
= moles of gas 'x'=
= moles of gas 'y'=
Moles of oxygen gas ,when 6.11 grams of oxygen in present in a mixture:

Moles of helium gas ,when 93.89 grams of helium in present in a mixture:

The mole fractions of He in the mixture is 0.992.
The mole fraction of
in the mixture is 0.008.