c. Innate Characteristics of emotional expression.
Innate Characteristics of emotional expression are the universality of facial expressions emotions which are genetically determined and passed on from one generation to another.
There are certain factors that affect this facial expression, such as social and culture belief. These factors in most cases makes people not to expressed their emotion fully using the right facial expression.
Example, Men are expected to be strong and not to cry in the public, this belief can make a man who really needs to let out his emotion through crying to suppress it.
It is not all facial expression that are innate and universal.
Some can be learned and change based on situations.
6. Internal rebellions of the 12th century caused the Seljuk Empire to begin to fracture from within. By the mid-1200s, only a small sultanate remained in Anatolia (Turkey).
7. Osman sought to expand his territory (inherited from his father), and called for holy war against the weakening Byzantine Empire (which was right on the edge of his territory, making it a natural expansion of his own territory).
Hope this helped!
The correct answer is reverse double standard.
Double standards is described as <span>the </span>software of different sets<span> of </span>principles<span> for </span>comparable situations<span>. </span>it's far maximum typically seen<span> as a decisive </span>psychological tool<span> used to </span>protect<span> one’s ego or </span>unconscious<span> from the shortcomings </span>of 1<span>’s </span>very own<span> set of values or contrasting principals. </span>it's miles<span> the employment of a hypocritical and biased </span>standpoint<span>, with which </span>to separate<span> the </span>reputedly terrible<span> in others from the </span>bad<span> in oneself </span>by using<span> having </span>two sets<span> of </span>guidelines<span> for the </span>same idea<span>.</span>
Think about what a complex system a modern economy is. It includes all
production of goods and services, all buying and selling, all
employment. The economic life of every individual is interrelated, at
least to a small extent, with the economic lives of thousands or even
millions of other individuals. Who organizes and coordinates this
system? Who insures that, for example, the number of televisions a
society provides is the same as the amount it needs and wants? Who
insures that the right number of employees work in the electronics
industry? Who insures that televisions are produced in the best way
possible? How does it all get done?
1. Patricians
2. Plebeians
3. It was the first Roman law
4. Consuls
1. Patricians were known to be the wealthiest and most of them were aristocrats. They were allowed to be a part of the government. Also, their women also enjoyed some degree of freedom.
2. All other citizens in Rome were referred to as Plebeians. They were common people who were mainly landowners, shop keepers, and merchants. They couldn't hold the public office but they were allowed to vote.
3. The law of 12 tables was important because it was the first Roman law to help people identify legal and illegal activities.
4. Consuls had the highest level. Each year the citizens of Rome elected two consuls whose power was equally divided and served for one year.