compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing
An executive order is somthing that the president can do that can skip over the entire process of making a law, going through the house of rep and the senate.
A law has to go though a very lenghty process of getting alot of approvals from many diffrent branches of government.
The correct answers would be: C and E
These would be the two rules to follow when interacting with a person with a disability.
Notice similarities between yourself and the person with a disability
With someone who is blind, announce who you are and why you are there when you enter the room
When interacting with a person with disabilities do not offer any advice or research findings based on what you think the person might be in need of knowing, they are already an expert on their own disability. Do not take hold of the arm of blind person but instead let them take your arm, this will allow them to be in control and they will be less likely to lose their balance that way. Do not pet or interact with a guide dog or any assistance animal unless the person in charge of them says so, they are specially trained animals to be handled by their owners only. Treat the person like an able-bodied person. Do seek out similarities and shared interests with the person and do announce yourself when you enter the room, tell them why you are there and tell them when you are leaving.
The answer is looking-glass self. The mirror self is a social mental idea, made by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902, expressing that a man's self becomes out of society's relational associations and the impression of others.
The looking-<span>glass self </span>is a social mental idea presented by Charles Horton Cooley. The idea of the no-glass self depicts the advancement of one's self and of one's character through one's reaction.