What probably caused the slight tingling feeling in her hand was because of the electricity of which has produced the drill in which its parts starts working, having it to vibrate once it has been started because it usually functions in a way of having to rotate the metal, making it more movable as the parts contribute to this movement, adding a tingling sensation.
if you mean the word; its confluence
In geography, a confluence (also: conflux) occurs where two or more flowing bodies of water join together to form a single channel. [1] A confluence can occur in several configurations: at the point where a tributary joins a larger river (main stem); or where two streams meet to become the source of a river of a new name (such as the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers at Pittsburgh, forming the Ohio); or where two separated channels of a river (forming a river island) rejoin at the downstream end.
That statement is false.
In most karate communities, sweeping dojo floor and picking up trash are the responsibility of all members,
They all commonly clean the room together right before and after a training session.
Lubrication is a relatively small bribe, such as small cash,service or gift, given to a low-level government official or business person in order for them to accelerate a decision or transaction. This kind of act usually happens in countries were such acts are not prohibited by law.
a. Horatio Alger
Horatio Alger -
He is a famous American writer , and his work include novels about young adults and the poor boys who rises up to become rich and happy , by their hard work , honesty , courage and determination.
The work where identified by " rags to riches " narrative.
Hence, from the given information of the question,
The correct answer is a. Horatio Alger .