Loans are money received from outside and its been paid back based on the agreement of the borrower.
Personal loan - This loan can be received from personal bank or union. They can be used for anything as proposed by the owner. It is given based on personal income and it is been paid gradually. It ranges from a few hundred to thousand.
Payday loan - It is short term loan, a personal check is drafted to include how much is to be borrowed and how much interest will be paid. The loan is being paid immediately and the request check is kept with the lender of the money until the money is refunded. Interest are being paid once
social loafing.
Jacob was assigned recently to a large team working on a major software release that was taking longer than expected. Jacob and the other latecomers into the project spent a month partnered with a senior programmer who went over the project in detail with them and got them up to speed. Unfortunately, this training put the project even farther behind schedule. After a few months of working on the project with many other programmers, Jacob's work output becomes noticeably lower than it was before when he was working independently.Jacob's reduced work output is most likely due to social loafing.
Social loafing is used to describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they are part of a group