The phylum Hemichordata is the one that could form an evolutionary connection between the chordates and non-chordates.
To the phylum Hemichordata belongs a genus that scientists believe could explain how the chordates could evolve from the non-chordates. This genus is Balanoglossus, of the class Enteropneusta.
Balanoglossus is similar to a worm, whose habitat is the seabed, and like other hemicordates it has a stomach, a structure that forms part of its digestive system and fulfills the functions of a spine.
Balanoglossus is the connecting link between Chordates and non Chordates because it helps in depicting the main characteristics of phylum. It is a dwelling type worm. It is an evolutionary link.
Balanoglossus carnosus.
Balanoglossus numeensis Maser.
Balanoglossus numeensis.
Backbone in animals body structure are known as chordates.
In different language Non-chordates are the animals without backbone.
Humans are not chordates because humans do not have a tail.
In this image the bird is eating an insect off of a leaf that is easy to see whereas the insect on the other leaf is camouflaged and still alive. This helps illustrate the concept of natural selection because the camouflage insect is able to survive longer and therefore reproduce more.
The answer is prominence because when Flame-like gas eruptions are anchored to the sun's photosphere and extend outward in an arch-like shape all the way into the corona, which is the sun's hot outer atmosphere.