Substance abuse can spread STIs because when a user shares needles with an infected person, it can spread through the blood. Any high-risk behavior like this spreads STIs.
Cells can generate from nonliving matter,
He concluded that only living cells can produce cells/ only life can produce life. so if the fact that cells can generate from matter that is not living, it would disprove his theory because his theory was that only living things can produce living things.
Mechanical to Thermal
When you exercise, you are using mechanical energy to get your body moving. When you start sweating, your body is heating up, so it is thermal energy.
They are both important because mechanical has to do with physical - cause mechanical means physical, so chewing your mouth is physical (you break your food into smaller pieces physically). And then chemical digestion is when food and saliva mix together. They happen when breaking down food into nutrients - enzymes. Enzymes are important for that process, because they make a nutrient.
Hope this helps!!