Carbon is an essential element for life on Earth and parts of each of the cells in our bodies are made from it. The carbon cycle shows how atoms of this element can exist within different compounds at different times.
All cells - whether animal, plant or bacteria - contain carbon, because they all contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Plant cell walls, for example, are made of cellulose - a carbohydrate.
Carbon is passed from the atmosphere, as carbon dioxide, to living things, passed from one organism to the next in complex molecules, and returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide again. This is known as the carbon cycle.
Consequently, what happens when gas obtained by heating slaked lime and ammonium chloride is passed through copper sulphate solution? The HCl in the gas mixture will form hydrochloric and the H+ will react with some of the NH3(aq), forming NH4^+, and with some of the SO4^2-, forming HSO4^-.