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Privacy is the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.
An ethical basis for privacy is knowing that it is wrong to open peoples mail, go through their phone, or look through someones windows.
Legal basis is knowing that going through someones private information is illegal.
The statement that minerals are inorganic substances that the body cannot produce on its own is true. Essential minerals are sometimes divided up into major minerals (macrominerals) and trace minerals (microminerals).
Minerals are essential constituents of body fluids and tissues; they are components of enzyme system and are involved in the formation of bones and teeth.
Answer: I have learned that the body is a powerful and amazing tool; as well as a gift. JROTC has taught me discipline, leadership, and self-confidence. Those qualities will follow me and guide me to any career that I desire. JROTC has emphasized health and nutrition as to be a value, that I should have for myself. I enjoyed learning about how to become stronger and more independent. As well as, the challenges I faced in the course.