Bxcbhdb. Bcdhb. Bxsujzb xhjxn. Heinz. Jhdbcbxdhbc. Dbhdbx sjsnx cbejrdbxbjsjs xx. Chdhxx jx. Xbox d deans. Xbjdbd xxb xbxbd x xdbehdbbxjdjwnxbdbhe dhuebxxhiedjnxsjeinxnx x dhd xxhjdxb. Djxnx xndjje
ha, you think it's funny huh?
The characters learn to appreciate what they have.
Both stories have characters that wished they had different lives, but when they tried them out, they ended up not liking the other character's life and wanted their normal routine and life back.
I say its C. correct me if I'm wrong
Scout spends more time with Miss Maudie, a widow that is very peppy and fun, who goes out into her garden or her porch every day and loves beauty. She also must love children, because she often baked cakes for the kids.