Microsoft windows was his first
Answer: it depends if the news is on the news and someone rights an article about it and says some mislead details that's how u know its fake
TAX_RATE = 0.20
gross_income = float(input("Enter the gross income: "))
number_of_dependents = int(input("Enter the number of dependents: "))
income = gross_income - STANDART_DEDUCTION - (DEPENDENT_DEDUCTION * number_of_dependents)
tax = income * TAX_RATE
print ("The income tax is $" + str(round(tax, 2)))
Define the <em>constants</em>
Ask user to enter the <em>gross income</em> and <em>number of dependents</em>
Calculate the <em>income</em> using formula (income = gross_income - STANDART_DEDUCTION - (DEPENDENT_DEDUCTION * number_of_dependents))
Calculate the <em>tax</em>
Print the <em>tax</em>
<em />
round(number, number of digits) -> This is the general usage of the <em>round</em> function in Python.
Since we need <u>two digits of precision</u>, we need to modify the program as str(<u>round(incomeTax, 2</u>)).
theSentence = input('Enter sentence: ')
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[]
for word in theSentence:
sentence_split_list = ' '.join(sentence_split_list)
Using the input function in python Programming language, the user is prompted to enter a sentence. The sentence is splited and and a new list is created with this statements;
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[ ]
In this way every word in the sentence becomes an element in this list and individual operations can be carried out on them
Using the append method and list slicing in the for loop, every word in the sentence is converted to a PIG LATIN
The attached screenshot shows the code and output.
When we are implementing ADT stack using linked chain we can pop an entry from the stack having O(1) time complexity because in linked chain we have the head or top pointer in linked chain only.Popping and pushing in stack happens on only one end that is top.So we have move to move top in linked chain to the next and delete prev node.