Here are some resources that you can use if you want to be tobacco-free :
- state phone anti-smoking/tobacco quitting services, where you can talk to the experts about the best steps to be tobacco-free
- Nicotine anonymous , a place created to rehabilitate nicotine addict
- County Health department, where you can find all kind of information about how to quit using tobacco products
<span>The answer is letter D.
Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder that is a result of a wrong body image. People who have this disorder often see themselves different in proportions from their exact physical characteristics. They often deny the problem until the problem is too big to be solved already. It is a condition that needs immediate medical treatment through psychosis and general interventions with nutritious meals that shall be prescribed by professionals to gain the overall strength of a person who has this disorder.<span>
The density measures the BMI which is the body mass index; the measure of body fat determined through the height and weight of an individual