Carbon reservoirs are underground oil or gas trap that form reees.clastic limestones etc.This is the most earths carbon stored in rocks and sediments.Ocean,Biosphere,Soil Carbon are some examples of carbon reservoirs.
Most of the carbohydrates in the foods you eat are digested and broken down into glucose before entering the bloodstream. Glucose in the blood is taken up into your body's cells and used to produce a fuel molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a series of complex processes known as cellular respiration.
(SUMMARIZED ANSWER: One of the primary functions of carbohydrates is to provide your body with energy. Most of the carbohydrates in the foods you eat are digested and broken down into glucose before entering the bloodstream)
These dark areas are called maria. They are thought to be formed by volcanic eruptions in the moon's history.hope this helped:)