580742.5, in words: five hundred eighty thousand seven hundred forty-two and a half.
Multiply: 1489 * 390 = 580710
Divide: 65 / 2 = 32.5
Add: 580710+32.5 = 580742.5
There is 16 ounces in 1 pound. so you would want to divide 12.40 by 5 = $2.48 . so its $2.48 for a pound divide by 2 and you answer would be $1.24... i hope that helps
Ok so its 50, -7.6, -7.64. then -157 divided by 20
Step-by-step explanation:
Divide all numbers by 1.5. example: (10)1.5(12)1.5(81.5= 284.444444 but I rounded it to 284. You're welcome