The cardinal, collateral and subcolateral points are widely used by the compass - millennial object of geographical location. Even the most current technologies, such as GPS and internet maps, need cardinal points to guide their cartographic arrangements. Therefore, understanding these points is of fundamental importance for those who wish to use these instruments.
China's economy is a lot bigger, and a lot more complex, than UAE's economy. China is an industrial powerhouse with over 1 billion people, and for this reason, China's imports and exports are very diverse. Exports are mostly manufactured goods like electronic components, appliances, automobiles, etc. While imports are also mostly manufactured goods, but also many raw materials like oil, natural gas, and copper.
UAE's economy is smaller and more simple. Exports are mainly oil, and also pearls, while imports are mainly manufactured goods, but also agricultural goods, due to the lack of arable land in UAE (Almost the entire country is a desert).
To keep our population the same we would need more immigrants or the same amount. Without them our pop would lower. So I would say more?
They were like the United States because they adopted many habits of the US citizens. They wore regular clothes, had farms and ranches, and some were even slave owners.