Uncle Sam refer to the Federal government of United States.
The Spanish-American War ended in December, 1898, when Spain surrendered to the U.S. and negotiated a peace treaty that sold Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the U.S. Cuba remained independent, but strongly under the influence of the United States. The Philippine Republic went to war against the U.S. to defend its independence. The brutal war lasted three years, and was followed by a half-century of U.S. occupation of the Philippines
Uncle Sam (U.S.) is a common national imagery of the U.S. federal government or the country in general that came into use during the War of 1812.
Answer:Authoritative parenting
Authoritative parenting is a type of parenting under which parents are very attentive to their kids needs but still they set boundaries and stick to them.
They don't take decisions without considering the emotional needs of their children . They are consistent in their boundaries with considerate limits.
According to researchers their young preschool kids tends to be :
-Happy and independent because they are given opportunity to establish their independence with their parents guidances. They are good in making friends. They have strong sense of self control. They are able to come out their comfort zone and explore new things because they get that opportunity and encouragement from their parents.
Older children shows the following characteristics :
They have strong self esteem and are more engaged in their school activities.
Are less violent but more friendly
This is due to the fact that authoritative parenting possess the following characteristics
They are very nurturing and always Len their ears to their children's concerns or any issues. They encourage them to establish their own independence. They don't demand obedience but always explain things to their children.
They have stablish positive punishment and usually their kids respect them because they have seen their parents worthiness of respect.
16. An estimate is not a guess because an estimate is based on some previously held information.
19. Objective reasoning
I will post the rest shortly
Migration can affect population distribution by causing the population of one area to increase while simultaneously decreasing the population of another. This can also cause one area to be more densely populated than another. ... High density of population.
What are statuses and roles?
Statuses and roles are two distinct things that are inherent to every society. Statuses are the different position in which people may found themselves, as for example being a parent is a status. A role is a series of behaviour that is associated with that status (parents should love their children no matter what) that could be either formal or informal.
Where do these statuses/roles come from?
Statuses and roles come from society. We tend to assign statuses to people in order to understand what they should do, and this helps us all understand the society in which we leave in a better way because we know what to expect. Is someone tells that he/she is a parent, most of the people would immediately know a series of behaviour that could be associated with that status and so would be able to understand the person in a better way.
What are the good and bad to them?
Statuses and roles are good because they give us immediate understanding over a sometimes very complex society, and moreover it helps define what we expect of ourselves when we are invested of a certain status. At the same time, statuses and roles are bad because they confine us to that specific status and role, where in reality we are creature much more complex than our statuses and roles. Moreover, sometimes those could bring conflicts and discrimination.
How do statuses and roles affect the lives of individual members of society?
Statuses and roles affect the lives of individual members of society in various way. For instance, the perception of the expectations related to a role could put pressure on an individual, like female people who feel pressure to have a child after a certain age, because our role in society has the expectation of producing a baby.