Obviously, this is going to depend on what your Teacher taught in class, but my guesses would be:
Exit polls protect election results from possible fraud.
Exit polls provide back up data in case vote counts fail.
Gun rights vs. Gun control.
Overwhelming majorities of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and Democrats and Democratic leaners (89% each) say mentally ill people should be barred from buying guns. Nearly as many in both parties (86% of Democrats, 83% of Republicans) favor barring gun purchases by people on federal watch lists. And sizable majorities also favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks (91% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans).
Yet there is a 30-percentage-point difference between Democrats and Republicans in support for an assault weapons ban (81% of Democrats, 50% of Republicans) and even wider gaps on two other proposals: arming teachers and school officials in elementary and high schools and allowing people to carry concealed weapons in more places.
Taxes and insurance, are often prepaid at closing to establish the escrow account. give me brainliest pls
B a veto the president makes