why would you change the power of the president? is this a test or quiz question, because if so I can answer it
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power "to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or Officer thereof".
sampled from ( better elxsplanation than mine)
I believe if the are underange he may be forced unless certain situations things like joint custody might come into play. joint physical custody is where a court orders a child to spend a substantial amount of time with both parents during the course of the year. Second, joint legal custody is where, although one parent may have full physical custody, both parents must agree on any decisions that impact the child, such as their education, medical care and spiritual matters. Lastly, both joint physical and legal custody is a combination of the first two. IT IS ULTIMATELY up to the court to decide whether any type of joint custody is in the best interests of a child. If not, the parent with primary custodial rights over a child will get to decide what kind of visitation for the other parent is fair and reasonable. In many situations, this works out well for both parents and they can often come to an amicable arrangement regarding visitation hours and days.
well the question is is it a state bill or federal congress? also i dont have all the facts, but one kid did a bill on how we need to fund an iron man project.
pick something youre passionate about or you wont score well i garuntee it. and whatever you do, DONT DO A BILL ABOUT GETTING RID OF PENNIES, ELIMINATING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, OR CONVERTING AMERICA TO THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERALLY EVERYBODY DOES THAT. your teacher will cry.