If the cell has not properly copied its chromosomes, an enzyme called cyclin dependent kinase, or CDK, will not activate the cyclin, and the cell cycle will not proceed to the next phase. The cell will undergo cell death.
Mutations in genetic code occurs when DNA is being duplicated.Any changes in the base pairs leads to mutations by trasition or transversion. Change in amino acid leads to change in sequence and thus, mutation. This si carried on to new generation, if it takes place in germ cells.
Essential amino acids refer to the eight amino acids the adult body needs, which they cannot be synthesized correctly or at all.
The essential amino acids must be obtained from food such as proteins (meats, seafood, milk, eggs, etc).
The independent variable is "controlled" or held constant in the control group.
Option A
All four types of polysaccharides are homopolymers ie they are made up of repeating units of only one type of monomers.
Starch, glycogen and cellulose are made up of repeating monomeric units of glucose with the number of glucose units and the different linkage types different these molecules. E.g the linkage between glucose units in glycogen is alpha 1-4 linkages and in cellulose, we have glucose in beta 1-4 linkages.
In chitin, a derivative of glucose is present in repeating units, here, we have N-acetyl-D-glucosamine in beta 1-4 linkages.