<h3>Modern monoculture requires vast amounts of rain for irrigating crops as moisture retention is limited in the soil. A lack of topsoil also increases rain runoff. To achieve this vast amount of extra water it means draining from lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, which is exhausting natural resources and aquatic ecosystems.</h3>
They reproduce by pollination.
Muscle fatigue is often reported by patients with Marfan syndrome although myopathy is not classically considered a component of Marfan syndrome [1, 2, 4, 6, 7]. In addition to apparent muscle underdevelopment, some patients report myalgia or cramps suggesting skeletal muscle involvement.
Use cooking methods that minimize/eliminate contact with water.
Vitamins are important nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamins can be easily leached out and it is therefore recommended that the vegetables should be consumed immediately after purchase or stored in an airtight container.
The use of cooking method that eliminate contact with water such as freezing, keeping in a close container will help retain the vitamins, reduce degradation rate and prevent it form been lost.
Cutting will allow easy definition of vitamins and result in its lost.