Evaluation-the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment
Domain Name-Is a websites name (ex-Google)
Authoritativeness-The quality of possessing authority. The quality of trustworthiness and reliability.
Accuracy-the quality or state of being correct or precise
Timeliness-the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.
Objectivity-the quality of being objective.
Writing Style and Mechanics-Style has to do with how a piece of writing sounds. Everyone has a style which develops along with their writing.
Paragraph structure: Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that provides an overall understanding of the paragraph. ...
Sentence length: Sentences should be kept as short as possible so that their structure is simple and readable.
Graphics-are visual images or designs
Links- is an open source text and graphic web browser with a pull-down menu system.
Go to remove a background website
Answer: E. class, objects
<em>A </em><em><u>class</u></em><em> is the blueprint for </em><em><u>objects</u></em><em> having similar attributes.</em>
As much as classifying something means to define it based on the characteristics that is has that are similar to other things in that class, so also is a class here.
A class is the blueprint or rather template for making objects that have similar attributes which means that the class therefore gives the object its various attributes and its behavior.
This is true.
I think everyone was taught to to type correctly sometime in school or at home. It helps you proficiently type. But most people don't use the Home Room Key Technique. Most use the "Chicken peck"
Yes, they can involve animals! Hope this helps(: