Leg bones
• long and skinny
Skull bones
• thin and wide
Many skull bones are carved. Leg bones enable walking and standing. While skull bones are designed to protect the brain.
This is true that the pressure in the mesosphere is so low that a person could not be in this layer without a spacesuit.
The mesosphere is the region of the earth's atmosphere which is above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. It has a very low temperature and pressure. The top of the mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere.
Nuclear power refers to the application of nuclear reactions, which discharge nuclear energy to produce heat and is most generally utilized in steam turbines to generate electricity in a nuclear power plant. Nuclear energy can be obtained from nuclear decay, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion reactions.
The controlled release of nuclear energy in a reactor is attained by controlling the fission without controlling a chain reaction. If a chain reaction occurs, then the amount of energy would increase exponentially, so in order to monitor the release of energy, fission must be controlled without controlling a chain reaction.
The nurse should perform the ABC's, which starts out with A- Airway B- Breathing, and C- Circulation, if any of these are not within normal limits then the child will be given a dose of epinephrine (1/1,000) .3mg IM, Benadryl 25/50 mg followed by a dose of solumedrol
More hydrogen ions means more acidic, more hydroxide ions means more basic