What I know about pronoun antecedent agreement is that when the pronoun agrees in number (referring to singular or plural) and person (referring to first, second, or third person) with its antecedent. Pronouns should agree in number, person, and gender with their antecedents. If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun should be singular. If the antecedent is plural, the pronoun should be plural.
I would go with option number [2]
good will always conquer bad - theme
rain has ... - subject
a friend ... - subject
evil people do bad things - theme
the truth will always be revealed - theme
it is important to ... - subject
The correct answer would be option C: "feels slightly foolish about the events that occur", this due to the way the excerpt is written, since, it seems the author wanted to let the readers know that the narrator isn't stupid, so that they keep that in mind, when they read about a foolish thing said narrator did. If the narrator did something dumb, then option A and B would be discarded, as would option D.