The tilt of the Earth is what causes the seasons...In the summer, the northern pole is pointed closer to the Sun giving the northern hemisphere more daylight hours. The opposite is true during the winter.
Yes. We could be done for if it is anthropogenic and if it is not being caused by CO2 as we are lead to believe. CO2 may not be the only anthropogenic cause (if it is a cause).
If climate change is due to weather engineering by chem trailing in conjunction with ionospheric heating, then it could cause serious illness to our species.
The use of the electro-magnetic spectum and radio waves by ionospheric heaters, could cause genetic damage as well as infertility. Whether other sources of RF/EMF also play into weather manipulation and control is unclear. Whether the use of ionospheric heaters contributes to climate change is unclear, but it intuitively seems likely. Creating a sustaining a plasma in the ionosphere may heat up more than the ionosphere and it may have an impact on the weather.
We do not know what chemicals are being used to obscure the sun, create clouds, perhaps create rain and wind, (nor why) and therefore we do not know if those could also contribute to infertility or genetic damage when they finally wash out of the sky. We do not know if the chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, or what happens to us when we breathe them, or consume them in our drinking water or in the food we eat. Higher levels of certain metals have been measured in the soil after chem trails. It is difficult to know which tests to use to test for all the chemicals which can be used.
C. Plant --> Mouse --> Snake --> Bird
the mouse would feed from the plant, the snake will then eat the mouse, and the bird will eat the snake (usually if they are big birds not like the one from the picture)
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