A metal and non-metal form into a compound. that compound is an ionic compound.
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A star of one solar mass remains in main sequence for about 10 billion years, until all of the hydrogen has fused to form helium.
There are 1 to 2 called alleles
"Prokaryote" is shown in the given image.
Answer: Option A
A prokaryote is a single-cell organism which is deficient in a membranous nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membranous organs. Prokaryotes are categorized into two domains: Bacteria and Archaea. At the third domain: Eukaryota, species with nuclei and organelles are located.
The asexual prokaryotes reproduce without fusion of gametes. They are considered as first living organisms. In the prokaryotes components like proteins, DNA and metabolites, overall the intra-cellular water-soluble components are enclosed by the cell membrane as situated together in the cytoplasm, rather than in separate cellular compartments.
Sister chromatids are regarded as replicated chromosomes. Sister chromatids are two identical copies of chromosomes held at the centromere that are formed as a result of replication. They are identical in the sense that they contain same alleles/gene sequence of the same genes.
Homologous chromosomes, on the other hand, are similar (in length, centromere position) but non-identical chromosomes. Homologous are non-identical in the sense that they may contain different alleles of a gene and are received from each parent. homologous chromosome contain four chromatids; two of which are sister chromatids and non-sister to the other two.
Both undergo meiosis where homologous chromosomes separate in meiosis I while sister chromatids separate in meiosis II but only sister chromatids undergo mitosis.