Indigenous<span> cultures shaped, and were shaped by, the </span>geography<span> of North America. The first North Americans are believed to have </span>migrate<span>d from Siberia, in northeast Asia, by crossing a </span>land bridge<span> over the Bering Strait. These populations fanned out southward, to present-day Florida, California, Mexico, and Central America. </span>
<span>The Olmec and the Maya, indigenous to Central America, built the first cities on the continent, eventually leading to the great urban areas of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. These cities, in what is now central Mexico, boasted </span>sophisticated engineering<span> structures, such as </span>canal<span>s, apartment buildings, and </span>irrigation<span> systems. </span>
<span>Many of these early North American cultures were scientifically and agriculturally advanced. Mayan calendars and </span>almanac<span>s recorded </span>celestial<span>events such as </span>eclipse<span>s and </span>seasonal<span> changes. The Mayans were also mathematically advanced. Their counting system was able to represent very large numbers using only three symbols: dots, lines, and a football-shaped symbol that indicated a zero. The Mayans were, in fact, the first culture to have a written symbol for zero. </span>
<span>Cultures throughout southern North America harvested corn, squash, and beans in regular cycles. This sort of </span>agriculture<span> allowed major </span>civilization<span>s to develop. People were no longer bound to produce food and shelter for their families—some people could work in the food and construction industries while others became engineers, artists, and political leaders. Leading North American civilizations include the Maya and Aztec, in what is now Mexico, and the Iroquois, native to southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. .................</span>
As well as providing the alliance with its name, the geographical position of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires also gave the Central Powers at least one very important strategic advantage over the Allies they were fighting. It was much easier for the Germans and Austro-Hungarians to move troops, equipment and supplies from one battle front to another because they could do much of this on their domestic railway networks.
German soldiers exit trench German soldiers exit trench For example, the Germans could move 10 infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Western Front via a relatively straightforward journey across Germany. It was no more difficult for the Austro-Hungarians to move five infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Italian Front, or to the Salonika Front in the Balkans.
There are four types of parenting style including permissive, authoritative, authoritarian, and uninvolved.
Permissive parenting style: The permissive parenting style is described as parents having high responsiveness and low demand. These parents are generally loving and provide the child with very few rules and guidelines as well as they do not anticipate a mature behavior from the child and tend to be quiet friendly rather than being a parental entity.
This parenting style can be considered as bad and unhealthy for the development of the child because parents usually ignore unwanted behavior and deal with the child with love and comfort.