Just do normal division, just like ignore the decimal point. for a moment once you got your answer bring back the decimal point back up to your answer. You would get 0.27 as your answer.
1. x^15
2. m^40
3. v^7/2
4. k^4
5. 1/x^14
6. 1/r^3/2
7. b^25
8. h^2
9. m^3n^1/7
10. x^12
11. 1/g^37
12. 1/100m^6
13. j^6/216
14. 1/125f^3
15. 3z^1/2
16. 1/100m^6
17. j^6/216
19. 1
20. g^1/2 r^3
21. 16a^11
22. m^16n^21
23. 1
24. 1/y^10x^6
25. 343s^10/t^17/2
26.n^17/2 /m^10/2
27. 729/b^24c^9
28. 20y^2/x^33
Is it a 90 degree rotation? Pretty sure it is
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