The double angle formula for the sine is

The right hand side is exactly your expression, where 
So, rewriting the expression from right to left, we have

The solution for this problem is:
If there is 60 platters of B at a cost of $720:
(220 - 60 x 3) / 4 = 10 platters of A to make up for the deficit in hamburgers
(270 - 60 x 4) / 3 = 10 platters of A to make up for the deficit in hot dogs
(250 - 60 x 5) / 2 = 0 platters of A since there is no deficit in pigs feet
So 10 platters A are required at a cost of $150. $720 + $150 = for a total minimum cost of $870.
15 1/2 or 15.5
Step-by-step explanation:
the median is just the numer in the middle (numerical order) so, because you end up with both 15 and 16, the rational number between them is 15.5
If one move is 325 and there's 3 moves you have to multiply them together to get 975 but since the submarine is going down its a negative integer so the answer would be -975