The first three are the same as those found in DNA, but in RNA thymine is replaced by uracil as the base complementary to adenine. This base is also a pyrimidine and is very similar to thymine. Uracil is energetically less expensive to produce than thymine, which may account for its use in RNA.
I Know It has to be the stomach
Incomplete dominance
Gregor Mendel discovered the principles that governs heredity, in which one of them is that an allele called DOMINANT allele, is capable of masking the expression of its variant allele called RECESSIVE allele in a heterozygous state. However, there has been genetic scenarios contrary to this his LAW OF DOMINANCE.
One of those Non-mendelian pattern of inheritance is a phenomenon called INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE, where an allele does not mask the expression of another completely, instead their combined state produces a third intermediate phenotype that is different from both parents. This is the case of the homozygous black bull mated with a homozygous white cow to produce a grey calf. The grey phenotype is an intermediate phenotype of both the black and white colours that forms due to incomplete dominance.
Another genetic scenario is called CO-DOMINANCE, where one allele is neither dominant nor recessive to the other allele, but instead both phenotypes becomes simultaneously expressed in the heterozygous offspring. In this case, the black bull and white cow were mated to form a heterozygous calf with both black and white spots.
it is located 1000 nucleotides upstream of the gene’s core promoter - true
it is located 1000 nucleotides downstream of the gene’s core promoter- true
it is in the gene’s coding region - False
These enhancers are located 50 or more kilobases from the promoter they controlled upstream from a promoter, downstream from a promoter within an intron, or even downstream from the <u>final exon</u> of a gene which can be thousands of bp away from the gene's core promoter and can also occur thousands of nucleotides away from the gene's core promoter needing the activity of a DNA -bending protein that binds to the enhancer changing the shape of the DNA and allow interactions between the activators and transcription factors.