In python:
i = 1
lst1 = ([])
lst2 = ([])
while i <= 5:
person1 = int(input("Enter the salary individual 1 got in year {}".format(i)))
person2 = int(input("Enter the salary individual 1 got in year {}".format(i)))
i += 1
if sum(lst1) > sum(lst2):
print("Individual 1 has the highest salary")
print("Individual 2 has the highest salary")
This works correctly if the two individuals do not end up with the same salary overall.
The microprocessor is programmed to follow the logic sequence of operation.
Monitoring various operator inputs, digital and analog inputs. Outputs to controlled devices take place.
Inputs: start switch, door safety contacts, water level sensor, wash cycle selector switch, etc.
Outputs: drive motor, motor speed regulation , reversing solenoids etc
A functional dependency describes a relationship between the attributes of an entity such that the value of one attribute is dependent on the value of some other attribute and is very well affected by it.
There can be various sources of information that define functional dependency. For instance, an attribute age can define the functional dependency with the attribute ID. One cannot include the voter ID if they are not above 18 years of age.
Similarly, the attribute date of joining can define the functional dependency with the attribute experience, as the experience in a particular organization can be calculated by subtracting the joining date fro the current date.
This is the SMTP or the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the push protocol and is used to send the mail message. Whereas POP3 and IMAP are meant for retrieving the message. These are the three main types of protocols associated with mail services. And the correct answer here is certainly the SMTP.
The internet because its world wide because our computers and everything are all inter twined making a world wide web Hope this helps