Habeas Corpus means that you can't lock someone up without stating their offense and giving them a trial.
As I recall it was rolled-steel girders riveted together, probably from shipbuilding, together with steam-powered winches and an abundance of cheap steel. As opposed to European cathedrals erected with animal-powered winches and with more expensive forged iron bracing (one of the big cathedrals has a kind or iron corset to keep the walls from bursting outwards).
Indus peoples undoubtedly had ways to teach their children, but they were probably done in small houses that do not look any different from other houses. Indus writing attests to (limited) literacy, which requires learning.
Not to use poisonous gases for that was an inhumane way to die, cause who wants their lungs melted while still inside their body
He trusts that each resident of the world ought to have the capacity to appreciate the opportunities that American do - they are common human rights that the administration ought to have no influence over paying little mind to what nation you live in.