We as Citizans of the united states, can balance the needs of others because a well-functioning family, community or society needs to have a balance between self-interested behavior, and altruistic or service behavior. If every member of a group pays attention only to his or her own immediate needs, life becomes very difficult quickly. We can balance the needs by talking to citizans instead of judging and we can figure out what their need are.
1) People should most definatly where helmates in order to keep others safe and themselves safe, same with wearing masks
2) If someone were to prevent others from smoking, but alot of people won't quit willingly
3) health insurance is needed but not alot of those people can afford health insurance
4) pay taxes is a most definate, but we shouldn't raise them just for those who raise it to "donate more money to the system"
5) no one should be forced to join the army, same with the wealthy sharing money, i think they should donate, but never be forced too... (life will give them consequesnces for there action)