China is superior to India in many ways.
- Unemployment rate is higher (4,5% in China and 3,4% in India).
- China has a striking high proportion of women workers; their labour force participation is more than twice that of their Indian peers.
- China’s literacy rate has reached a remarkable level, especially given that people must learn characters rather than an alphabet. Over 96% of the population are literate - compared to just over 71% in India.
- China is notorious for its lack of press freedom. But Reporters Without Borders suggests that India has plenty of problems too.
- A baby born in China can expect to live for nine years longer than one born in India.
- India has a split society in terms of race and religion. People are being killed for eating beef, foreigners are attacked for difamation of temples.
Women played a part in leading each of these movements
The Federal Reserve Bank reports to the Congress and thus stand accountable to the people of U.S.
The U.S Federal Reserve Bank is commissioned by Congress with a specific authorization under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. They are expected to report annually to Congress. The significant proportion of governors are named by the President. They should also need to confirm by Congress. And the election of the President and Congress by the people of the country have an indirect control on the Federal Reserve bank.
I think it is imperialism and the open door policy