Fraternal twins typically happen when two fertilized eggs are rooted in the uterus wall at the same period or time. When two eggs are individualistically fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins is the end outcome. The two eggs form two zygotes, therefore the terms dizygotic and biovular. Fraternal twins are, fundamentally, two normal siblings who come about to be born at the same time, since they arise from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm, just like normal siblings.
Divided government.
A divided government is a kind of administration in presidential systems when the power of the executive branch and the legislative branch is divided into two parties. Moreover, in semi-presidential arrangements, when the executive branch itself is divided between two parties.
Under the division of powers model, the state is separated into various branches. Each department is independent having separate powers and divisions of responsibility so that the authorities of one branch should not in dispute with the powers correlated with the other department.
cities or urban areas or tourist cities
The French Crown's debt was caused by both individual decisions, such as intervention in the American War of Independence and the Seven Years' War, and underlying issues such as an inadequate taxation system.
Answer:Labeling theory
Labeling theory states that people become what we call them,this means a person may start to behave or identity with the names that has been used to label them. It relate to a self-fulfilling prophecy in which whta people believe about someone actual end up becoming true. Labeling theory believes that deviance behavior bdoesjtbkust happen but it is driven by negative label given to the minority group by the majority group.