There are some incidences where athletes experience violation on their rights. The most common reason was racism.
<span>African-Americans were barred from playing baseball during the heights of segregation so they made their league.</span><span>
</span><span>Anthony Mundaine was a player in Australia who chose to be in boxing instead of being in the Rugby League due to racial discrimination.</span>
<span>The 1936 Olympics in Germany did not allow other countries to play. </span><span>Except if those countries would not protest in any decisions that would happen in the games.</span>
<span>Kevin Prince</span><span> </span>Boaten<span>, a football </span>player <span>from Ghana, was frequently noticed because of his black color.</span>
<span>Jackie </span>Robinson,<span> experienced being criticized for being black but became the first African-American player.</span>
Teaching does not measure up as a profession simply because professions do have an explicit and shared knowledge base which is expressed in a clear, technical language.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) was born Eislben,Saxony,(Now Germany)part of the holy Roman Empire, to parents
The southern slopes of the Himalaya receive more rain due to the south west monsoon winds which travel west along the southern slops. The northern slopes do not receive any such rainfall. So the southern slopes are covered with thick vegetation as compared to the northern slopes.