Much of the North was industralized and had banned slavery so they believed in a central gov. The south on the other hand was more farming based and they believed in state gov
roughly 81 million pounds of avocados are consumed in the U.S. during Cinco de Mayo.
Answer: People do not help Collin, because they may have other places to go, and need to get there in a timely fashion. Some people are just rude. Some people feel bad for Collin, but they feel like they will be embarrassed if they help him, (I've felt that way before and I have not gone and helped someone because of that.) Some people think that Collin deserved what he got because he was running and if you run there is a possibility that you will trip and fall. There are so many reasons why people didn't help Collin.
The human hand has fourteen phalanges and five digits on each hand.
The functions of phalanges are;
- The phalanges helps with flexibility of the hand
- It helps the finger to twist in different directions
- It gives the hand strength to perform daily activities
Please see the link below for more information
Unfair tests.
They would be asked to do ridiculous things like write an essay, name the (random number) president, recite the constitution etc. Questions and tasks that no one would be able to do or complete.