Scientists learn how climatic changes during the ice age affected life in this region by analyzing specimens found in these tar pits
La Brea Tar Pits are a group of tar pits in Los Angeles. Many preserved remains of ancient organisms (i.e., fossils) were extracted from the tar, including, among others, Western horses, prehistoric camels, three-toed tapirs, rodent bones, insects, mollusks, wood, plants, etc. The oldest fossils have been dated to be approximately 38,000 years ago by radiometric techniques. Moreover, the Last Glacial Period was the most recent glacial period within the Quaternary glaciation, which encompassed the period between 115,000 to 10,000 years ago. This period (LGP) encompassed the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which occurred about 20,000 years ago. In consequence, many of the fossils found in La Brea Tar Pits evidence how the ice age affected life in this region. Moreover, many of the fossil species extracted from the tar are still present today, thereby indicating how these species adapted to fluctuating climatic conditions, whereas certain species couldn't adapt fast enough as the environment changed and therefore they went extinct.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital over analog?
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“Advantages of Digital Communication. The effect of distortion, noise, and interference is much less in digital signals as they are less affected. Digital circuits are easy to design and cheaper than analog circuits. The hardware implementation in digital circuits, is more flexible than analog.” In general, digital is far easier to handle and has (virtually) unlimited precision (limited only by hardware constraints and compute time).
Analog computation takes place at a significant portion of the speed of light (the time it takes for an electrical signal to traverse a circuit). However, it is almost impossible to correct completely for noise, and precision is limited to three (or at most four significant digits).
Cell specialization allows new cells to develop into a range of different tissues, all of which work together to make living organisms function as a whole. The process of cell specialization exactly how cells develop into their diverse forms is complex.
The answer is false. To explain further, let G have vertices
{v1, v2, v3, v4}, with ends between each pair of vertices, and with the mass on
the edge from vi to vj equal to I + j. Then each tree has a bottle neck edge mass
of as a minimum of 5, so the tree containing of a track through vertices v3, v2,
v1,v4 is a least bottleneck tree. It is not a least spanning tree, though, subsequently
its total mass is greater than that of the tree with edges from v1 to every
single vertex.
Answer: Edema
The swelling that is caused as the result of inflammation is known as Edema. Just after an injury takes place the traumatized area becomes red, painful and warm. It also starts to swell.
This swelled area is also known as Edema which is caused due to acute response of acute inflammation.
This response is trigerred by the injured tissues. When the body starts healing then, change in blood flow takes place and swelling is also cured.
But sometimes it is so acute that it restricts the normal blood flow and movement of the affected area.