Hemangioma usually refers to a non-cancerous type of tumor that occurs due to the abnormal growth of blood vessels. It can occur in any parts of the body, but they very are mostly present in the neck and he face portion. They can present right from the time of birth, but they usually develop in the body of the babies within the first few months after the birth of a baby.
It generally occurs in two types, namely-
- Capillary hemangiomas- It occurs in the outer skin layers
- Cavernous hemangiomas- It occurs in the deeper skin layers, and also mostly near and around the eye.
C. parvum takes energy from glucose which is present in the digestive tract after the process of glycolysis.
Lactate dehydrogenase which is responsible for the conversion of lactate into pyruvate molecule.
C. parvum is a protozoa that lives as a parasite in the digestive tract of animals. They take nutrients from the cell which are present in the form of glucose. C. parvum uses a specific type of enzyme i. e. lactate dehydrogenase which is responsible for the conversion of lactate into pyruvate and also helps in the production of ATP through glycolysis process. In this process, the glucose molecule is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, two molecules of ATP, two molecules of NADH, and two molecules of water. So C. parvum takes ATP from that way from the host cells.
answer, I guess, is C.primary succession
Cybersecurity- the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.