Domestic violence often happens in India as a result of dowry demands. Dowry payments are another manifestation of the patriarchal structure in India.
a. Sales Financing
Sales Financing is not area of study of time-share salesperson as his main area of concerned is to ensure sales ethics, sales rules and procedures. Like he is concerned about proper documentation must be provided on time-line , to monitor the contract properly so not create hurdle for further processing , reviewing application and financial details, inform client regarding its legality and advantage.
The word stigma comes from the Latin, meaning “mark, brand” and from the Greek as well meaning “to tattoo.” It has several meanings and one of them is “a mark of social disgrace that sets the deviant apart from the rest of society.” Stigma, which is a form of discrimination, is often related to mental illness, race, religion, culture, gender, sexuality and disability. Also, there are two main types of stigma: social stigma and self-perceived stigma.
The correct answer to question 1 is C.
<em>Saudi Arabia's government will invest in educational opportunities such as free tuition.</em>
Human capital development plays an important role in Saudi Arabia these days. There is an acute shortage of skilled domestic workforce, due mostly to failed educational opportunities in the country. The Saudi government makes intense effort to address the human capital development challenges to match the needs of the labor market. The education system is going to be overhauled, new training methods developed ( including free tuition ) and women will have a better chance in getting jobs. Saudi Arabia believes that the ability of workers in the marketplace is limited by the performance of the education system. This process is a transition from oil-based economy to a knowledge-based one.
The correct answer to question 2 is C.
<em>Israel improves their country economy through their advancements in farming and high tech equipment.</em>
Israel has a technologically advanced free market economy. High technology equipment is Israel's leading export, especially computing services and software. Another advancement is made in developing high tech military equipment, especially machine guns. Israel is also the leading force in developing food-related advances in farming. A world famous drip irrigation system was developed there ( called Netafim ). GrainProCocoons is a system that helps African and Asian farmers to keep their grain market-fresh. Advanced work is being done on biological pest control and on tailor-made farm solutions. All this is going to be implemented all over the world. Crop protection and growing a new type of potato are also big issues being discussed and developed in the country at present.