After a 2-hour outdoor training session, an athlete lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg). The fluid should this athlete consume to return to a more ideal hydration state ------ 1.5 L (50 ounces)
What is optimal hydration?
The National Academy of Medicine recommends that adult women and men drink at least 91 and 125 ounces of water a day, respectively
How do you increase your hydration percentage?
Another way to increase your body water percentage is to eat raw fruits and vegetables. They are dense in water. This is a good alternative for drinking water all the time. Keep this in mind: drink water and other fluids until you urinate frequently and with light colour.
What is normal body water percentage?
Most of the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60%. The amount of water in the body changes slightly with age, sex, and hydration levels. While the average percentage of water in a person's body is around 60%, the percentage can vary from roughly 45–75%.
Learn more about hydration:
According to psychologist Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory, self-efficacy determines the development of personality. Self-efficacy is the belief of an individual in his ability and skill to deal with challenges of everyday life. These beliefs in oneself determine how people think and react to the situations lying ahead of them. It determines the success of a person in a particular situation.
Answer: According to the question, president Jackson was able to form his new party, because he was able to easily relate with people from all works of life most especially the poor population which were more of farmers.
The common man in the society saw him as their preferred candidate because of the ease with which the President identified with them.
Managers spend between "2/3" and "4/5"of their time in face to face communication with others.
As a manager, you have social, formal and lawful duties. You're relied upon to be a wellspring of motivation. Individuals admire you as a man with specialist, and as a figurehead. This requires spending most of your time face to face with others in order to execute the job properly.