No explanation, self-explanatory. I used class main instead...
The process of transaction can guarantee the reliability of business applications. Locking resources is widely used in distributed transaction management (e.g; two phase commit, 2PC) to keep the system consistent. The locking mechanism, however, potentially results in various deadlocks. In service oriented architecture, the deadlock problem becomes even worse because multiple transactions try to lock shared resources in the unexpectable way due to the more randomicity of transaction requests, which has not been solved by existing research results. In this paper, we investigate how to prevent local deadlocks, caused by the resource competition among multiple sub-transactions of a gl obal transaction, and global deadlocks from the competition among different global transactions. We propose a replication based approach to avoid the local deadlocks, and a timestamp based approach to significantly mitigate the global deadlocks. A general algorithm is designed for both local and global deadlock prevention. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our deadlock prevention approach. Further, it is also proved that our approach provides higher system performance than traditional resource allocation schemes.
This is the required answer.
HTML dictates how the browser presents images and text on a webpage.
def get_middle_ten(sentence):
ind = (len(sentence) - 12) // 2
return sentence[ind:ind + 12]
# Testing the function here. ignore/remove the code below if not required
The correct answer is:
C. ndx = 0;
while (ndx < 3) {
ar[ndx] = 0;
The declaration given is:
int ar[3];
This means the array consists of three locations and is named as ar.
We know that the indexes are used to address the locations of an array and the index starts from 0 and goes upto to 1 less than the size of the array which means the indexes of array of 3 elements will start from 0 and end at 2.
Now in the given options we are using ndx variable to run the while loop.
So the code to assign zero to all elements of array will be
ndx = 0;
ar[ndx] = 0;
Hence, the correct answer is:
C. ndx = 0;
while (ndx < 3) {
ar[ndx] = 0;