The answer is D it seems the other answers just plain make no sense
so because wiesel didnt like the holocaust he had to understand why it heppend
First, be sure that the question you are asking requires more than a yes or no answer. Second, use key words to signal your students what type of essay you want them to write. Third, be sure to ask questions that require critical thinking through reasoning and analysis.
Answer: The correct answer is A.
Explanation: a) Both focused on the rail road industry. The purpose of Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Anti-trust Act is to set guidelines on how the railroad companies could do business. They have the same purpose. The Act became a Law which demanded "just and reasonable" rates; prohibited favoritism in rates for shippers or products, prohibited special rates for individual shippers, prohibited pooling of traffic and established an Interstate Commerce commission.
Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, inventor, and engineer.
The correction for this is all about parallelism.Parallelism is when the same grammatical structure is repeated for effect. When writing a list it is important that all things in the list have the same grammatical structure. In the correct answer all of da Vinci's descriptors are nouns. In the incorrect sentence, "liked engineering" uses a verb.
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