1. metagenomics_the study of all of the genetic material of all organisms in a particular habitat.
2. transcriptomics_the study of all of the RNA produced by an organism.
3. proteomics_the study of all of the proteins produced by an organism.
4. metabolomic_the study of all intermediates and small molecules produced by reactions within an organism.
5. genomics_the study of the entire genetic makeup of an organism.
A strand of DNA having base sequence as ATG CGA. The complementary strand of DNA will be produced with base sequence as TAC GCT. In the double strand DNA nitrogenous bases paired in a specific manner, A (Adenine) always pair with T (Thymine) with double hydrogen bond or vice-versa and C (Cytosine) pair with G (guanine) with triple hydrogen bond or vice-versa.
A. Water molecules have strong intermolecular attractions.
Water molecules have strong intermolecular attractions due to the presence of hydrogen bond between oxygen and hydrogen atoms. This hydrogen bond is present between hydrogen of one water molecule to the oxygen of another water molecule. This hydrogen bond is weaker than covalent bond so that's why it can be broken down and water is converted into vapours form by heating.