Syndromic surveillance
Survelliance is the ongoing systematic collection analysis and interpretation of health data essential to planning , implementation and evaluation of public health practice , closely integrated timely dissemination of this data to those who need to know.
It has three purposes :
1) Surveillance may identify public health problems.
2) Surveillance may stimulate public health interventions.
3) Surveillance may suggest hypothesis for epidemiological research.
As in the above scenario , data on diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are collected in the emergency room, and data on purchases of over-the-counter medications to treat diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are monitored through pharmacy sales , <u>syndromic surveillance </u> best describes this statement.
A pedometer can be used to measure the estimated distance with how many steps you've made. People with a high risk of type 2 diabetes can use a pedometer because they're encouraged to exercise more.
Limiting physical conditions that can affect safe driving includes fatigue, illness and deformities
vitamin D? Im not sure so check in with other people and do some more research.