An antibody, because antibodies are produced for a specific virus and are unique to that virus, that protein is the response to influenza.
Niche refers to an organism's role in a particular ecosystem. Niches include herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, predators, consumers, and producers
hey! hope this helps love!
Dark reaction means that light is not necessary for this part of photosynthesis. In the dark reaction, CO2 from the atmosphere is fixed or becomes part of a carbohydrate dioxide into the form of carbohydrates-organic molecules used as food for the plant. This process is called the Calvin Cycle.
Most closely related to the Otariidae
Grey and White Matter.
When looking at an image of trasnverse section of the spinal cord the grey matter is almost butterfly shapped and it has the central canal in the middle. The white matter is surrounding the butterfly shaped, grey matter.