Part B: Simulate Deforestation Next, you’ll build a simulation showing the changes in a portion of the forest over time. This sa
mple shows a forest region. Forest Region Gray: untouched region (150 trees per block) Black: deforested region (no surviving trees) Use your word-processing program’s table maker to create three grids showing the rate of deforestation of a forest in three different years—year 1, year 5, and year 10. Choose colors to represent the deforested and untouched regions. Provide a key that shows the number of trees represented by each block, as well as the colors that represent the forested and deforested areas. Here are the specifications for your forest: The forest is represented by a 5 x 5 grid. Year 1: There are a total of 4,500 trees in your forest and no deforestation. Figure out how many trees represent each block. Year 5: 1,080 trees were deforested. Year 10: An additional 1,980 trees were deforested. After you’ve completed your grids, use the Insert Image button to insert screen shots of the grids in the answer space.