Insects (Insecta) are the most diverse of all animal groups. There are more species of insects that there are species of all other animals combined. Their numbers are nothing less than remarkable, both in terms of how many individual insects, as well as many species of insects that are. In fact, there are many insects that is not very known how to count them all, the best thing we can do is to make calculations.
Approximate scientists who can be as many as 30 million species of insects alive today. To date, they have identified over 1 million. At any time, the number of live insects on our planet is amazingly, some scientists estimate that for every human being alive today, there are 200 million insects.
The success of insects as a group is also reflected in the diversity of habitats in which they live. Insects are more numerous in the land such as deserts, forests and grassland environments. They are also numerous fresh water such as ponds, lakes, streams and wetlands habitats. Insects are relatively scarce in habitats marine, but are more common in the waters brackish, like marshes and mangrove
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If you apply white light and it reflects only red, you see it red, all the other wavelentghs absorbed. If it reflects all wavelength (i think listed all red-orange....) then it should be white.
Homocigoto dominante, heterocigoto y homocigoto recesivo.
Hay tres genotipos de niños disponibles, es decir, homocigoto dominante, heterocigoto y homocigoto recesivo. En homocigoto dominante, un organismo que tiene dos alelos dominantes para un rasgo, en heterocigoto, que tiene dos alelos diferentes de un gen o genes específicos y homocigoto recesivo contiene dos alelos recesivos y expresa el fenotipo recesivo o el niño se parece al padre femenino.
M.Leakey was a paleoanthropologist of no formal university education and British origin. Her major discoveries were;
1. the proconsul skull
2. Zinjanthropus skull at Olduvai Gorge In Tanzania
3, system of classification of discovered stones.
4.Laetoli footprints at Laetoli sites.
However, her most outstanding discoveries were proconsul skull ( projecting face with no browridges, and presence of ape-like teeth shapes) and the Laetoli prints. She believed the skull belonged to ancestral Homo habilis, which could be traced to origin of mankind.
The discovery of Laetoli prints showed evidences of bipedalism and the origin of Australopithecus. These prints and the skeletons she unearthed proved that the ancestral of human race actually walked upright, nearly four feet tall in height.Hence she concluded that these prints actually belong to the Australopithecus. This brought a paradigm shift in modern understanding of human evolution of prehistoric times and the origin of mankind,
Her discoveries generally throw light on the <u>evolution of mankind </u>and new understanding of <u>genesis of human race</u>
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